Се Лянь поглощает маньтоу;)



Caliban's intelligence far exceeds theirs, to "dote" as he puts it contemptuously, on such "trash" and "luggage".

Do not dote on daemons!

The human mother who gave birth to a deformed, bestial hybrid would dote on it blindly, as protective as a tiger of her cub, and as cunning.

I've seen how you dote on officers.

"And you dote on me, right?"

However, I would point out in the passing, and apropos of nothing, that mass murderers have been known to dote on tiny tots."

She herself had never been a woman to dote on babies and had found her own daughter much more interesting as she grew older.

The titles of the sketches are as follows: "The Young Couple"; "The Formal Couple"; "The Loving Couple"; "The Contradictory Couple"; "The Couple Who Dote Upon Their Children"; "The Cool Couple"; "The Egotistical Couple"; "The Couple Who Coddle Themselves"; "The Old Couple"; "Conclusion".

What Magic bids me now so fondly dote Ginny was now living on a part-time basis with David, Leo's son by his first marriage; Leo hoped that Ginny and David would marry and produce a host of little Quests for him to dote on in his old age. embarrassed guest of the "couple who dote upon their children".

I've read lots of books, including several of the classics but haven't liked some of the authors some dote on, like Jane Austen and the Bronts. Roses, for instance, dote on sticky soil.

Подробнее: perevod-translate.ru/english/d/do/dote.html
Подробнее: perevod-translate.ru/english/d/do/dote.html

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